In these days, some parents get very excited for the new
born and also choose difficult Muslim girl names and Muslim boy names which not
only have ambiguous meanings but also are difficult pronunciation. Since the
name already has a doubtful meaning, after being pronounced wrongly it becomes
totally different and in this way the name can have a wrong meaning allowing
the negative connotation to be proved as wrong for the child.
For this reason, our website keeps updating modern Muslim baby names which are
unique and eccentric in their sense but also have good meaning and relatable
Islamic background. This will help you in the process of finding names of
proper required details without the havoc of missing any necessary deet related
to Islamic sayings about it.
The Muslim baby name chosen for today is Zabeer. This name
is easily used for boys since t is pleasant to hear and is very meaningful. The
name Zabeer belongs to the Z-B-R roots which makes it the direct Quranic name.
This is clear that since it is the name belonging to the Quran has no
objection, it can be easily picked for your child. The name has very good
meanings of “Handsome”, “witty’ and “intelligent” which makes it the best
Thanks for sharing such informative quranic name